Women Health Exams: The Importance of Screening Mammograms

Women Health Exam Tomball, TX

Are you staying up-to-date on your women health exams? Read on to learn about the importance of screening mammograms. Mammograms continue to be the most effective method for identifying breast cancer in its early stages in most women, although many people miss or avoid regular women health exams visits entirely. Breast cancer is the most prevalent kind of cancer in women, with one in every eight women getting a diagnosis throughout their lifetime (BreastCancer.org). Therefore, women need to understand the significance of routine screening mammograms.

The importance of getting a screening mammogram as part of women health exams

Health professionals recommend that women between the ages of 40 and 75 get annual mammography to identify breast cancer early on, particularly those who are at high risk for the condition. Women who are at risk for breast cancer may need to go for screenings earlier than that. Women without recognized risk factors are also advised to start yearly mammograms at the age of 40. While the risk of breast cancer is lower for most women in their 40s, this does not imply it is uncommon. The bottom line is that every woman should discuss the need for screening mammograms with their doctors during women health exams.

The importance of screening mammograms

The advantages of regular mammography become increasingly apparent as people age. Mammograms have been demonstrated to decrease the risks of breast cancer, including mortality from the disease. According to the US Preventive Services Task Force, mammograms were linked with a 14% decrease in breast cancer mortality among women in their 50s. Additionally, regular mammograms lowered the risk of breast cancer mortality by 33% among women in their 60s. That is a significant advantage for a noninvasive screening test that takes less than half an hour.

The general recommendation for women aged 50 and older is to get a mammogram every year or every two years. This will give the doctor a continuing record of the patient’s breasts for comparative purposes in later years. This kind of comparison may also be beneficial for detecting minute abnormalities in tissue that may suggest an early stage of malignancy.

Finally, therapy may be far less invasive when breast cancer is detected early. This significantly increases the chances of achieving optimal outcomes with the least stress and suffering.

What to expect during a mammogram

A mammogram involves placing the breast between two plates in a special machine. The plates compress the breast tissue, making it easier for the x-ray to produce a vivid image; the images are saved on a computer to be accessed and studied later.

However, it is well established that the associated discomfort and pain are why many women avoid screening mammography. Millennium's screening program uses equipment to ensure cutting-edge 3D technology, which enables improved precision, less radiation, and more comfort. The equipment ensures that each patient receives the appropriate amount of compression for their breast type. Automatic force adjustment ensures maximum individual comfort without compromising quality and ensures the highest-quality study.

Are you up-to-date on your women health exams?

Women who need the screening mammogram can schedule it for the same day as their annual women health exams. Patients are welcome on a walk-in basis if they do not have an appointment.

Call us today at (346) 201-4716 for more information from Donald Eckhardt Jr., M.D. , Kari Eckhardt W.H.N.P., C.N.M..

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